Specific blend for flavor of Normandy cheese and a balanced surface flora between p. candidum and acid-sensitive bacteria; two types of b. linens are used in ARN (orange and ivory).
Brevibacterium aurantiacum
Arthrobacter nicotianae
Geotrichum candidum
USED TO MAKE: Washed rind and smear cheeses such as Limburger, brick, traditional Muenster, Reblochon, Taleggio
USAGE RATE: Usage varies somewhat depending on application: Inoculation directly into milk (allows some degree of pre-ripening) -- 1-2 doses per 1000 liters milk (2200 lbs.) and/or spray-on (direct surface application) -- 2 doses rehydrated in buffered water per 1000 liters milk (2200 lbs.)
KOSHER STATUS: Kosher Dairy, certificate available