A message from Dave
By: Dave Potter | President, Dairy Connection Inc.Just over three weeks into our company response to the global pandemic, Dairy Connection continues to function smoothly with minimal staff physically on site. Shipments continue to come and go on schedule thanks to our fulfillment team and customer service and operations managers, while the rest of the staff is able to stay well-connected while working remotely.We watch our clients from this distance with admiration, connected to each other by in
7th Apr 2020
World Cheese Championship 2020
Photos by (and of) various members of the Dairy Connection staff at the 2020 World Cheese Championship, March 3-5, 2020 in Madison, Wis.
6th Mar 2020
pH: It's pHundamental
By: Bill Rufenacht | Technical Specialist, Dairy Connection Inc.Why does pH matter in making fermented dairy products?In the manufacture of cultured dairy products (cheese, yogurt, kefir, etc.) starter cultures are responsible for the task of converting lactose (milk sugar) to lactic acid. The amount of lactic acid produced plays a key role in creating the flavors and textures desired in finished products. Since the bacteria inoculated in milk operate on a microscopic level – it is difficult to
17th Feb 2020
Choosing a yogurt culture
By: Emily Harbison | Technical Specialist, Dairy Connection Inc.We stock roughly twenty different yogurt cultures and have access to at least 100 more. If you’re in the market for a starter, how do you choose between all of them? Below are some of the major factors to consider as you research and develop your product.KNOW YOUR PRIORITIESTarget flavor profileGenerally, the U.S. yogurt market is looking for a flavor profile that is more mild, like pudding, and less like historically tart yogurt, b
15th Jan 2020
Change is scary; change is exciting; change is a LOT of work. As you may (or may not) have heard, Dairy Connection went through a bit of a metamorphosis recently. After a number of years of bumping against the confines of our steadfast and longtime facility on Tasman St., we moved our entire operation into a new home about two weeks ago.Just down the road three-ish miles, Dairy Connection’s new facility on Vondron Rd. (which we’ve affectionately given the nickname “Vonderland,”) more than double
23rd Aug 2019